As climate change contributes to more frequent and extreme rain events, excess nutrients, sediments, harmful chemicals and pollutants are increasingly washed into local waterways through our storm systems. This contributes to increased aquatic weed growth, more toxic algae blooms and an overall decline in watershed health. Thankfully, small changes can have a big impact! As you'll discover on this page, there are many things you can do on your own property to promote sustainable drainage.
In partnership with the Township of Rideau Lakes, Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority and Big Rideau Lake Association, the RVCA led a sampling and monitoring pilot program in Portland to recommend sustainable drainage practices and develop a number of resources to help landowners across the watershed embrace best practices for sustainable drainage on their properties. Explore these resources and more below to start making a positive impact today.
Benefits of sustainable drainage:
- Reduced algae blooms and excessive weed growth in our lakes and rivers
- Improved water quality for local ecosystems
- Better water quality for local tourist industries including recreational fishing and seasonal rentals
- Safer drinking water for residents with surface water intakes
- Improved knowledge of sustainable drainage best practices can be applied across the watershed

Sustainable Drainage Workbook
Learn how simple property changes can help reduce runoff, improve drainage and support a healthy watershed!
Reducing your runoff can also begin at home – and can be as easy as installing a rain barrel. To learn more about how you can reduce stormwater runoff on your own property, check out the resources below.
For more information:
Haley Matschke
Surface Water Quality Co-ordinator
613-692-3571 ext 1156