

PERTH, May 15, 2023 – Staff and volunteers duelled thick grass, invasive species and hardened shorelines last weekend as they planted nearly 1,200 native trees, shrubs and wildflowers along the Tay River in Last Duel Park. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) partnered with the Town of Perth to implement the major shoreline naturalization project at the former campground. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund provided funding. All told, staff and volunteers helped naturalize more than 350 metres of shoreline on May 13.  The new plantings in three areas along the existing pathway left room for…
PORTLAND, May 11, 2023 – Residents worried about water quality and algae blooms in the Rideau Lakes and nearby waterways can now take matters in their own hands.  The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has partnered with Rideau Lakes Township, Cataraqui Conservation and Big Rideau Lake Association to sell rain barrels this month as part of its ongoing sustainable drainage project in Portland and surrounding areas. Installing a rain barrel is an easy, inexpensive step residents can take to reduce runoff and keep contaminants out of their lake. The barrel is placed under an eavestrough or gutter to catch rainwater as…
Water Conditions Statement: Flood Warning — Lower Ottawa River May 10, 2023 — This FLOOD WARNING statement is an update to the Flood Warning issued for areas along the Lower Ottawa River (Arnprior to Hawkesbury) on May 2nd, 2023.  Water levels along the main stem of the Ottawa River reached peak levels on May 5th and 6th due to above normal snow melt in the upper region of the basin this spring, combined with large regional rain events that occurred over several days in late April and early May.    Based on Ottawa River Regulating Committee forecasts, it is expected that water levels…
(WCS – R11/2023) May 9, 2023 – A FLOOD WATCH is being maintained for properties around Bobs Lake and Christie Lake. Furthermore, a WATER SAFETY statement is being maintained for the entire Rideau Valley Watershed. The water levels on Bobs and Christie Lakes remain high and are above average for this time of year due to the recent significant rain event. The current forecast indicates little rain for the next 5 days which is favourable for water level decreases, however another large rainfall could cause water levels to increase again. Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels in these lakes. Operations at the Bolingbroke…
Water Conditions Statement: Flood Warning — Lower Ottawa River May 2, 2023 — This FLOOD WARNING statement is an update to the Flood Warning issued for areas along the Lower Ottawa River (Arnprior to Hawkesbury) on April 28th, 2023.  Water levels are expected to rise again within the Ottawa River Basin due to significant rainfall received over the past few days. Runoff from this rain event will bring additional water volumes to the Ottawa River at a time when levels are already near major flood thresholds. Based on Ottawa River Regulating Committee forecasts, flood prone areas along the main stem…
Water Conditions Statement: Flood Warning — Lower Ottawa River April 28, 2023 — This FLOOD WARNING statement is an update to the Flood Warning issued for areas along the Lower Ottawa River (Arnprior to Hawkesbury) on April 20th, 2023.  Water levels are expected to rise again within the Ottawa River Basin due to significant rainfall forecasted Saturday through Tuesday. Runoff from this rain event will bring additional water volumes to the Ottawa River at a time when levels are already near major flood thresholds. The Ottawa River Regulating Committee is managing principal reservoirs to reduce river flows to downstream areas.  The…
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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario