
Matt Jokiel

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January 09, 2020

Review Process

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RVCA staff will review the application and discuss it with the applicant. Staff may suggest changes in the plan so it will comply with environmental rules and regulations. At the end of the review, recommendations will be sent to the municipality for its consideration in its decision.

January 09, 2020

Clearance of Conditions by RVCA

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RVCA staff will review the application and discuss it with the applicant. Staff may suggest changes in the plan so it will comply with environmental rules and regulations. At the end of the review, recommendations will be sent to the municipality for its consideration in its decision.

An applicant may also need approval from the RVCA for any construction or development work looking to take place in a regulated area in or near a river, stream, steep slope, wetland or shoreline. For more information, go to RVCA Permits - Section 28.

Amy Bachhuber

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Eric Kohlsmith

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Evelyn Liu

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October 13, 2016

Municipal Planning

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The Conservation Authorities Act enables Conservation Authorities to undertake programs to further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources throughout the watershed.  A significant component of this work is the protection of public health and safety and minimizing property damage from risk associated with natural hazards.

Conservation Ontario, on behalf of Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities, has a memorandum of understanding with the Ministries of Natural Resources and Forestry and Municipal Affairs and Housing whereby Conservation Authorities have delegated responsibilities for the management of natural hazards (floodplains, hazardous slopes, unstable soils and erosion). In keeping with this responsibility, RVCA provides comments to our municipalities on Planning Act applications and other development related applications from several perspectives; watershed based resource management, planning advisory service, technical advisory service and regulatory responsibilities. RVCA provides planning and technical advice to assist our municipalities in fulfilling their responsibilities as defined in their official plans and the Provincial Policy Statement with respect to water resources, natural hazards and, where requested to do so, natural heritage features. We also assist our municipalities and landowners with the coordination of planning and regulatory requirements under the “Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (O.Reg 41/24).

Planning applications circulated to the RVCA typically include:

  • Official plans and official plan amendments
  • Zoning by-laws and zoning by-law amendments
  • Plans of subdivision and condominium
  • Site plan control
  • Applications for consent (severances and lot line adjustments)
  • Minor variances
  • Lifting of reserves
  • Part lot control

Development related reviews undertaken by the RVCA also includes proposals under the:

The planning services RVCA provides are defined in memorandums of agreement with the City of Ottawa and our upper tier counties (County of Lanark, United Counties of Leeds and Grenville). The agreements are joint agreements between RVCA, the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, South Nation Conservation Authority and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority where a municipality’s boundary includes more than one Conservation Authority’s watershed. There have been changes to related legislation and other memorandums with senior levels of government since these agreements were formalized and some sections are no longer applicable.  In particular, memorandums of agreement between the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and RVCA are no longer in place.

Memorandums of agreement:

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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario