
Foley Mountain Educational Programming

The outdoor environmental education program at Foley Mountain provides students with interactive, experiential, curriculum-based experiences that will help them to understand our natural world and their relationship with it. The Program can accommodate up to 60 students per day and all equipment is provided. All programs are approximately 1.5 hours in duration. Descriptions are offered as general guidelines — if there are specific objectives that you would like to accomplish, please let us know. Although grade levels are recommended for each program, these are only guidelines. Please select any desired fields to narrow your search.

Half Day Program $200 / group * maximum 30 students, 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Full Day Program $275 / group * maximum 30 students, two 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Self-directed $2.50/person * Interested in just visiting the conservation area with your class but not booking a program? The cost is $2.50/person. This does not include the use of buildings other than access to public washrooms. To reserve facilities, contact staff. Staff must still be contacted to book a self-directed visit.
Overnight Tent Camping (accommodations only) 1-15 people - $90/night *
16-30 people - $180/night *
30+ people - $7 for each additional person *
Additional buildings also available for rent (link to facility rentals)
Take you class on an overnight adventure to our group camping area! Plan your own activities or book our education staff to provide programming during your stay (see above for pricing).
Virtual Outdoor Education Program $100 for a 45 minute program for up to 30 students * Our outdoor education staff will guide you and your students through an adventure that focuses on bringing the outdoors to you. Our virtual programs are live, adapted for each grade level listed, curriculum connected, and include opportunities to interact directly with our outdoor educators!

* plus applicable taxes

For information and to book a VIRTUAL program, click here. 

Monitoring & Reporting

Monitoring & Reporting (91)

Children categories

Flood Risk/Hazard Mapping Reports

Flood Risk/Hazard Mapping Reports (61)

Learn More:

  • Contact Tyler Bauman, Water Resources Engineer (Flood Management)

In cooperation with local municipalities and the province, the RVCA identifies, studies and maps natural hazard areas along local rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands. Natural hazard areas include floodplains, unstable slopes. Natural features such as wetlands are also mapped. In the past, these maps were called flood risk maps.

If not understood or dealt with effectively, these hazards can pose risks and problems to society, especially when considering development activities.

Hazard mapping is used by watershed municipalities when updating Official Plan and Zoning Schedules and in the review of development applications under the Planning Act. The RVCA uses the mapping for the administration and enforcement of regulations made under the Conservation Authorities Act (Section 28)


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February 24, 2023

Watershed Report Card

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RVCA watershed reportcard 2023

The 2023 RVCA Watershed Report Card.

Mosquito Creek Flood Risk Mapping from Mitch Owens Road to Rideau River

Upper Jock River Flood Risk Mapping Study from Richmond Road to Ashton Station Road, July 2021

The RVCA collects, monitors and analyses watershed information.

Monitoring environmental conditions helps us see trends over time, focus our actions where they can do the most good, and evaluate the effectiveness of our watershed policies and programs. 

Reporting information ensures the right information is available to municipal and watershed decision makers (including watershed residents).

Use the menu to the right to visit our monitoring and reporting information. You can also access information through our interactive mapping. See below for details on what is currently available. 

Interactive Mapping Tool

Access information through our interactive mapping tool. Choose from these mapping options:

GeoPortal icons 05


Water levels icons 04

Streamflow, Water Levels & Weather Stations

Water quality icons 01

Water Quality -
Chemistry Maps

Watersheds icons 03

Subwatersheds and
Catchment Area Maps

Map a property icons 02

Map A Property

Access our robust interactive mapping with multiple tools to help you find regulation limits, flood event depths, flood & low water status, landcover, conservation areas and more.

See real-time and periodic information from a network of sources from across the watershed.

View water quality data collected across the watershed. See where we test and the results.   Explore our subwatershed reports that highlight four indicators of watershed health: water quality, forest cover, wetland cover and riparian cover.  Search properties to see if it may be subject to Section 28 — Ontario Regulation 174/06 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alternations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. 



February 18, 2021

Neighbourhood Flood Maps

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Learn More:

Within the RVCA’s regulated floodplainstaff have identified a number of Flood Vulnerable Areas throughout the watershed where flood events may have an impact on nearby properties. (See watershed map and table).

A series of new Neighbourhood Flood Maps for 20 vulnerable City of Ottawa communities along the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers shows the potential extent of flooding for 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50 and 1:100 year return period floods for these neighbourhoods. 

NOTE: These maps are for informational purposes only and are not as exact as those used for regulatory purposes. 

New Edinburgh Kingsview Park Brantwood Park
Rideau Gardens Windsor Ave Warrington Dr
Brewer Park Summerside Dr Hurst Marina
Commodore Lane Lorne Bridge Rd Fennel Lane
Rideau Valley Dr (Kars) Lannin & Sheppard Lane Hilly Lane
Rideau Glen Eligh Lane Boise Village/Morin Rd
Grandview West Grandview East  

Please note:

  • The 1:2 year return period flood event has a 50% chance of occurring in any year.
  • The 1:5 year return period flood event has a 20% chance of occurring in any year.
  • The 1:10 year return period flood event has a 10% chance of occurring in any year.
  • The 1:20 year return period flood event has a 5% chance of occurring in any year.
  • The 1:50 year return period flood event has a 2% chance of occurring in any year.
  • The 1:100 year return period flood event has a 1% chance of occurring in any year.

 All Rideau River Additional Flood Maps are based on recorded flow at the Rideau at Ottawa [02LA004] gauge, located at Carleton University. The two Grandview Ottawa River Additional Flood Maps are based on recorded flow at the Ottawa River at Britannia [02KF005] gauge. The Boise Village/Morin Road Additional Flood Map is based on recorded water levels at the RVCA Cumberland gauge.

DISCLAIMER:   Users of the RVCA flow data and water level data are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the information contained in this website nor liability to any user of such information, regardless of the purpose. River levels and flows can change rapidly.

January 25, 2021

RVCC Snowpack Metadata

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Station Metadata [SNOW-MNR-3310]

STATUS: Active, Seasonal


The biweekly snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) for the Manotick, Ontario region (SNOW-MNR-3310). Field monitoring conducted by the RVCA.


Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Depth (SD); centimeters
Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE); millimeters

LOCATION: UTM 18T [X: 444445.2], [Y: 5010783.4]

SUBWATERSHED: Lower Rideau River


OWNER/OPERATOR: Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

DATA AVAILABILITY: Biweekly field monitoring from Oct-June



The RVCA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the provided data. Data accuracy can be affected by a number of factors including, but not limited to: Equipment malfunction/maintenance, regional climate conditions and site disturbance. Users of the RVCA's data tools are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.


MNRF Snow Collection Protocol


For for more information, please contact:


Station Metadata [SNOW-MNR-3306]

STATUS: Active, Seasonal


The biweekly snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) for the Pierces Corners region (SNOW-MNR-3306). Field monitoring conducted by the RVCA. Statistics have been generated by the RVCA from the period between 1977-2019 (42 years). These statistics include the biweekly median (50th percentile), interquartile range (data range between the daily 25th and 75th percentiles) and the maximum snow water volume measured over the period of record. The median and interquartile range represent the typical normal snow water volume observed at this time of year over the historic record.


Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Depth (SD); centimeters
Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE); millimeters
Biweekly, Lower Quartile (25th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Median (50th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Upper Quartile (75th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters

LOCATION: UTM 18T [X: 444984.3], [Y: 4988113.9]

SUBWATERSHED: Lower Rideau River


OWNER/OPERATOR: Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

DATA AVAILABILITY: Biweekly field monitoring from Oct-June

STATISTICS: RVCA statistics calculated from the 1977-2019 period of record.

a) Upper Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 75th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

b) Lower Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 25th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

c) Median (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 50th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly


The RVCA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the provided data. Data accuracy can be affected by a number of factors including, but not limited to: Equipment malfunction/maintenance, regional climate conditions and site disturbance. Users of the RVCA's data tools are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.


MNRF Snow Collection Protocol


For for more information, please contact:


Station Metadata [SNOW-MNR-3304]

STATUS: Active, Seasonal


The biweekly snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) for the Nolans Corners region (SNOW-MNR-3304). Field monitoring conducted by the RVCA. Statistics have been generated by the RVCA from the period between 1977-2019 (42 years). These statistics include the biweekly median (50th percentile), interquartile range (data range between the daily 25th and 75th percentiles) and the maximum snow water volume measured over the period of record. The median and interquartile range represent the typical normal snow water volume observed at this time of year over the historic record.


Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Depth (SD); centimeters
Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE); millimeters
Biweekly, Lower Quartile (25th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Median (50th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Upper Quartile (75th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters

LOCATION: UTM 18T [X: 424389.2], [Y: 4975304.8]

SUBWATERSHED: Middle Rideau River


OWNER/OPERATOR: Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

DATA AVAILABILITY: Biweekly field monitoring from Oct-June

STATISTICS: RVCA statistics calculated from the 1977-2019 period of record.

a) Upper Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 75th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

b) Lower Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 25th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

c) Median (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 50th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly


The RVCA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the provided data. Data accuracy can be affected by a number of factors including, but not limited to: Equipment malfunction/maintenance, regional climate conditions and site disturbance. Users of the RVCA's data tools are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.


MNRF Snow Collection Protocol


For for more information, please contact:


Station Metadata [SNOW-MNR-3311]

STATUS: Active, Seasonal


The biweekly snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) for the Elizabethtown-Kitley region (SNOW-MNR-3311). Field monitoring conducted by the RVCA.


Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Depth (SD); centimeters
Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE); millimeters

LOCATION: UTM 18T [X: 427828.5], [Y: 4955926.6]

SUBWATERSHED: Middle Rideau River


OWNER/OPERATOR: Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

DATA AVAILABILITY: Biweekly field monitoring from Oct-June



The RVCA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the provided data. Data accuracy can be affected by a number of factors including, but not limited to: Equipment malfunction/maintenance, regional climate conditions and site disturbance. Users of the RVCA's data tools are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.


MNRF Snow Collection Protocol


For for more information, please contact:


Station Metadata [SNOW-MNR-3309]

STATUS: Active, Seasonal


The biweekly snow depth (cm) and snow water equivalent (mm) for the Bells Corners region (SNOW-MNR-3309). Field monitoring conducted by the RVCA. Statistics have been generated by the RVCA from the period between 1979-2019 (40 years). These statistics include the biweekly median (50th percentile), interquartile range (data range between the daily 25th and 75th percentiles) and the maximum snow water volume measured over the period of record. The median and interquartile range represent the typical normal snow water volume observed at this time of year over the historic record.


Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Depth (SD); centimeters
Biweekly, Field Measurement, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE); millimeters
Biweekly, Lower Quartile (25th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Median (50th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters
Biweekly, Upper Quartile (75th Percentile; Historic Normal Water Equivalent); millimeters

LOCATION: UTM 18T [X: 437156.6], [Y: 5018055.5]

SUBWATERSHED: Ottawa River West


OWNER/OPERATOR: Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

DATA AVAILABILITY: Biweekly field monitoring from Oct-June

STATISTICS: RVCA statistics calculated from the 1979-2019 period of record.

a) Upper Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 75th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

b) Lower Quartile (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 25th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly

c) Median (Historic Normal)
Statistics Interval - 1 Year, Recurring
Extraction Interval - Biweekly (15 Days); No Aggregation
Statistics Type: 50th Percentile
Update Frequency: Biweekly


The RVCA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the provided data. Data accuracy can be affected by a number of factors including, but not limited to: Equipment malfunction/maintenance, regional climate conditions and site disturbance. Users of the RVCA's data tools are cautioned to consider the unverified nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.


MNRF Snow Collection Protocol


For for more information, please contact:

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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario