March 6, 2019 – The winter of 2018-19 has been an old-fashioned winter with lots of snow (over 250 cm to-date) and no significant thaw events. As such, the snowpack throughout the Rideau Valley Watershed is well above average. Current conditions at several RVCA snow course sites are indicating near record water content amounts in the snow for this time of year, generally not seen since the late 1970s.  Based solely on the fact we have above average water content, there is a potential for above average flooding this spring across the Rideau Valley Watershed, especially in low lying areas…
January 06, 2020

Customer Service Charter

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Customer Service Charter Download
March 19, 2019 – Despite some gradual snow melting over the last two weeks, the snowpack throughout the Rideau Valley Watershed remains above average so there is still a potential for above average flooding this spring across the Rideau Valley Watershed, especially in low lying areas which have flooded in the past. However, the current weather forecast until end of March is indicating that daytime temperatures with single digit highs and below zero conditions at night with very little precipitation, so no significant flooding is anticipated in the next week or so.  This could change if the forecast changes (i.e.,…
September 08, 2016

Contact Us

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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
PO Box 599, 3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5 (corner of Prince of Wales & Rideau Valley Drive)

Hours of Operation:  8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

Phone:  613-692-3571  |  1-800-267-3504 (toll-free)

Fax:  613-692-0831


The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is headquarters to :
Ottawa Septic System Office
Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Office
LandOwner Resource Centre

Staff Directory  Board of Directors

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The precipitation indicator for Moderate Drought of 60% of normal was reached last Sunday. Rainfall since then has had a minimal impact and conditions remain very dry. Flows in the Rideau River at Ottawa are at 25% of normal for the time of year. Two of the major tributary streams, Jock River and Kemptville Creek, are both flowing at about 6% of normal. The Tay River is in relatively better shape benefitting from outflow from Bobs Lake, one of the Rideau Canal reservoir lakes. Smaller streams are intermittent or dry and aquatic habitat is compromised for all species.
March 29, 2019 – Since early March, we have experienced a very gradual snow melt with limited precipitation across much of the Rideau Valley Watershed.  In the lower Rideau Valley Watershed (North Grenville and Ottawa) and in the Tay Valley Watershed, there still remains above average snow pack which indicates a potential for above average flooding in low lying areas adjacent to any rivers, creeks or ditches. The current weather forecast indicates that it will remain cool (near freezing) for Saturday and Sunday with a mix of rain, freezing rain, and snow on Saturday.  However, there is uncertainty about how…
April 11, 2019 – The current weather forecast is calling for up to 30 mm of rain between Friday and Monday, and then more rain later next week.  This anticipated rain, plus meltwater from the remaining snow pack, will increase the water levels in Bob’s Lake, Christie Lake, Tay River and Wolfe Lake.  The water levels in the three lakes and the Tay River are currently above average and increasing because of snowmelt runoff.  Waterfront property owners in these areas should be prepared for possible flooding in the upcoming days.  Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels in…
April 8,2019 – With below seasonal temperature and no significant precipitation over the past several days, water levels and flows continue to decline slowly across most areas of the Rideau Valley Watershed.  The water level/flow decline is expected to continue this week based on the current weather forecast of only single digit high temperatures and the possibility of rain on Friday.  At this time most of the snow in our watershed has already melted but some snow/ice does remain near trees or shaded areas.  Contrary to the above, water levels and flows in Bob’s Lake and Christie Lake, located in…
APRIL 21, 2019 OTTAWA RIVER FROM ARNPRIOR TO L'ORIGINAL — The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and South Nation Conservation (SNC) is maintaining our FLOOD WARNING issued on April 19, 2019 for the areas under our jurisdiction along the Ottawa River. The latest model run for the Ottawa River indicates that some areas of the Ottawa River are expected to peak today while others will be closer to the end of the week. There is additional rain expected over the northern portion of the watershed that could impact levels and flows later in the…
APRIL 19, 2019 OTTAWA RIVER FROM ARNPRIOR TO L'ORIGINAL — The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and South Nation Conservation Authorities (SNC) is issuing a FLOOD WARNING for the areas under our jurisdiction along the Ottawa River.   Significant rainfall (20 to 40 mm) has fallen over the Ottawa River basin since Thursday and an additional 20 to 35 mm of rain is expected by Saturday evening.  The current snowpack throughout much of the Ottawa River basin remains at twice its normal depth for this time of the year. Soils are saturated and warm…
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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario