
Foley Mountain Educational Programming

The outdoor environmental education program at Foley Mountain provides students with interactive, experiential, curriculum-based experiences that will help them to understand our natural world and their relationship with it. The Program can accommodate up to 60 students per day and all equipment is provided. All programs are approximately 1.5 hours in duration. Descriptions are offered as general guidelines — if there are specific objectives that you would like to accomplish, please let us know. Although grade levels are recommended for each program, these are only guidelines. Please select any desired fields to narrow your search.

Half Day Program $200 / group * maximum 30 students, 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Full Day Program $275 / group * maximum 30 students, two 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Self-directed $2.50/person * Interested in just visiting the conservation area with your class but not booking a program? The cost is $2.50/person. This does not include the use of buildings other than access to public washrooms. To reserve facilities, contact staff. Staff must still be contacted to book a self-directed visit.
Overnight Tent Camping (accommodations only) 1-15 people - $90/night *
16-30 people - $180/night *
30+ people - $7 for each additional person *
Additional buildings also available for rent (link to facility rentals)
Take you class on an overnight adventure to our group camping area! Plan your own activities or book our education staff to provide programming during your stay (see above for pricing).
Virtual Outdoor Education Program $100 for a 45 minute program for up to 30 students * Our outdoor education staff will guide you and your students through an adventure that focuses on bringing the outdoors to you. Our virtual programs are live, adapted for each grade level listed, curriculum connected, and include opportunities to interact directly with our outdoor educators!

* plus applicable taxes

For information and to book a VIRTUAL program, click here. 

Water levels have been dropping throughout the Rideau watershed since Saturday but not all flooded areas are fully dry yet. Water levels have dropped about 22 centimetres since the Saturday peak on the Long Reach between Burritts Rapids and Manotick. Another 34 centimetres are left to go on Hilly Lane and similar amounts on the neighbouring waterfront communities near Kemptville. Until those communities have safe access restored, the Flood Warning will remain in effect. The decline in levels in the Long Reach will be slowed by rain forecast for tomorrow and by water that has to be released from Big…
Runoff from the rain event on Thursday is working its way through the system leaving several waterfront communities still without access to their properties. Water levels have been holding more or less steady for the last few hours. A definite peak has not yet been reached but can be expected today. Cooler temperatures overnight have slowed the runoff process. Temperatures of over 10 degrees forecast for today will cause much of the remaining snow and ice to melt and run off today which will keep levels up for the short term. Once a definite decline of levels begins, Parks Canada…
Heavy rain on Thursday has caused streamflows and lake levels to increase significantly in the Rideau River watershed. The amount of rain that fell in eastern Ontario wasn’t quite as much as forecast but it is certainly having an impact. Such water levels were last reached in 2014. The worst impact is in North Grenville and rural Ottawa near the confluence of Kemptville Creek with the Rideau River. Some street and pathway flooding is occurring in Ottawa South adjacent to and in Windsor Park and in Ottawa East in Brantwood Park. No residential flooding in urban Ottawa has been reported…
Rain presently falling is causing flows in the Rideau River to increase toward thresholds at which flooding can be expected to cause access issues to lower lying waterfront properties. The area first affected will be the Long Reach of the Rideau between Kars and Kemptville. In particular, access to Hilly Lane, Cedar Beach, Rideau Glen and other neighbourhoods on that reach of the river can be expected to be compromised as the rain enters the system today. Rain forecast in the order of fifty-five millimetres (mm) on Thursday and Friday can be expected to be followed by a peak on…

Brassils Creek - 2016 Summary Report

Rain presently falling is causing flows in the Rideau River to increase toward thresholds at which flooding can be expected to cause access issues to lower lying waterfront properties. The area first affected will be the Long Reach of the Rideau between Kars and Kemptville. In particular, access to Hilly Lane, Cedar Beach, Rideau Glen and other neighbourhoods on that reach of the river can be expected to be compromised as the rain enters the system today. Rain forecast in the order of fifty-five millimetres (mm) on Thursday and Friday can be expected to be followed by a peak on…
April 03, 2017

Map A Property

Super User

Note: as of April 1, 2024, Ontario Regulation 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits will replace the RVCA's existing Ontario Regulation 174/06 under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. Our online mapping tool has been updated to reflect the new regulation.

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Need more help?

Complete and submit our General Property Inquiry Form to receive a map showing the mapped hazard (floodplain, unstable slope, wetland) or natural feature, 1:100 year flood elevations if applicable and available, links to general information, regulators and policies. Please allow for 24 hour response time for General Property Inquiries.

If you require formal written response to legal, real estate and related financial inquiries or require a review of historical files for specific project/proposals or technical review, you must request a Property File Search.

Rain presently forecast for this week is expected to cause a significant increase in flows and water levels, potentially to 1:4 year frequency (flow that has a 25% probability of occurrence in any year). There is still some snow in the Rideau River watershed which will be much reduced today with the arrival of temperatures above 10 degrees. This will increase flows slowly through the day. Twenty millimetres of rain now forecast for Tuesday will cause further increases. Fifty millimetres of rain on Thursday and Friday can be expected to bring a peak on Saturday possibly in the range of…
The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) Board of Directors celebrated another successful year with the release of their 2016 Annual Report. The report highlights numerous on-the-ground projects that happened throughout the Rideau watershed that drains over 4,000 square kilometres in Eastern Ontario. For over 50 years RVCA, along with its many volunteers and partners, has been working to protect and enhance our local environment. Year after year, conservation authority staff, municipalities and partners continue to have a positive impact on the health and resilience of our watershed. Today’s investment in local watershed health will ensure a sustainable future that supports…
A renewed vision for a thriving watershed will guide the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) during the coming years. The RVCA board of directors unveiled its new strategic plan at its board meeting held March 23. The plan builds upon the Conservation Authority’s past 50 years of success and will guide it towards a sustainable future. RVCA Chair Lyle Pederson and General Manager Sommer Casgrain-Robertson are excited that the plan, entitled Conserving Our Watershed, Ensuring Our Future, charts a course to 2020. “We’ve worked hard to develop a set of strategies and plans that identify clear priorities for RVCA to…
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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario