
Foley Mountain Educational Programming

The outdoor environmental education program at Foley Mountain provides students with interactive, experiential, curriculum-based experiences that will help them to understand our natural world and their relationship with it. The Program can accommodate up to 60 students per day and all equipment is provided. All programs are approximately 1.5 hours in duration. Descriptions are offered as general guidelines — if there are specific objectives that you would like to accomplish, please let us know. Although grade levels are recommended for each program, these are only guidelines. Please select any desired fields to narrow your search.

Half Day Program $200 / group * maximum 30 students, 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Full Day Program $275 / group * maximum 30 students, two 90 minutes with an RVCA instructor
Self-directed $2.50/person * Interested in just visiting the conservation area with your class but not booking a program? The cost is $2.50/person. This does not include the use of buildings other than access to public washrooms. To reserve facilities, contact staff. Staff must still be contacted to book a self-directed visit.
Overnight Tent Camping (accommodations only) 1-15 people - $90/night *
16-30 people - $180/night *
30+ people - $7 for each additional person *
Additional buildings also available for rent (link to facility rentals)
Take you class on an overnight adventure to our group camping area! Plan your own activities or book our education staff to provide programming during your stay (see above for pricing).
Virtual Outdoor Education Program $100 for a 45 minute program for up to 30 students * Our outdoor education staff will guide you and your students through an adventure that focuses on bringing the outdoors to you. Our virtual programs are live, adapted for each grade level listed, curriculum connected, and include opportunities to interact directly with our outdoor educators!

* plus applicable taxes

For information and to book a VIRTUAL program, click here. 

December 07, 2022

Testing page Program agreements

Regan Van Dusen

RVCA Wetland Policies


Guideline for Shorelines Work in the Rideau Valley Watershed


Section 28 Fee Schedule


Conservation Authorities Act — Ontario Regulation 174


Section 28 — Conservation Authorities Act


RVCA Application for Development


Minimum Application Requirements


RVCA Development Policies


Category 2 MOU/Agreements

Category 3 MOU/Agreements

Plan Review/Service Agreements
Green Acres Download
Monitoring Download
December 06, 2022

Fee Policy and Schedules

Regan Van Dusen
Fee Policy Download
Programs and Services Fee Schedule Download
Minister's Direction on Fees Download

2024 Fees - effective January 1, 2024 (30-day notice)

    • Schedule A: Planning Advisory Program
    • Schedule B: Conservation Authorities Act Applications
    • Schedule C: Technical Report Review
    • Schedule D: Information and Professional Services
December 02, 2022

Municipal Agreements

Regan Van Dusen

Category 2 Program Agreements

Category 3 Program Agreements

December 02, 2022

Board of Directors

Super User

The RVCA Board of Directors is made up of appointees from the Rideau's 18 member municipalities plus an agricultural member appointed by the Minister. These representatives oversee the work of the conservation authority.

Councillor Kristin Strackerjan - Chair Municipality of North Grenville
Anne Robinson - Vice-Chair City of Ottawa
Deputy Mayor Adrian Wynands
Deputy Reeve Brian Dowdall
Councillor Susan Irwin Township of Central Frontenac
VACANT City of Clarence Rockland
Reeve Steve Fournier
Deputy Mayor Anne Barr Village of Merrickville-Wolford
Councillor Trevor Johnson
Councillor David Brown City of Ottawa
Councillor Sean Devine City of Ottawa
Councillor Theresa Kavanagh City of Ottawa
Councillor Wilson Lo City of Ottawa
Councillor Gary Waterfield Town of Perth
Councillor Jeff Banks Township of Rideau Lakes
Mayor Shawn Pankow
Councillor Adam Turcotte
Councillor Angela Pierman
Councillor Barry Card
Mel Foster Agricultural Sector



December 02, 2022


Regan Van Dusen

The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a public sector organization established by local municipalities under the Conservation Authorities Act, to develop and deliver watershed-based resource management programs on behalf of the Province and participating municipalities. The 18 municipalities located in the Rideau Valley watershed appoint representatives who serve on the Board of Directors to oversee the programs of the RVCA. These appointed directors, who are members of Council or citizen appointees, speak on behalf of all watershed residents along with an agricultural representative appointed by the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks.

KARS-ON-THE-RIDEAU, Nov. 28, 2022 – The dream of turning Baxter Conservation Area into an accessible nature haven for people of all abilities is finally coming true. After three years of planning and fundraising, work has begun to replace the park’s defunct marshland bridge with a new state-of-the-art span that embraces the gold standards of accessible design. This includes an extra-wide deck, appropriate sight-lines for people in wheelchairs and strollers, and a large education platform to help students of all abilities get up close and personal with the natural world. “The outdoors should be accessible to anyone who wants to enjoy…

Septic Records Search Form

Taxpayers, municipalities and our natural systems will bear the costs of the Province’s affordable housing legislation released last month. 

Email your MPP using our Sample Letter (Word Document)

While the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority strongly supports efforts to address the ongoing housing crisis, many of the proposed changes related to conservation authorities will have significant impacts and costs while doing little to increase housing supply.

Proposed changes and their impacts: 


  • Weakening the regulatory ability of CAs to protect people and property from natural hazards like flooding, erosion and slope failures - leading to greater risk of property damage and public safety.
  • Eliminating the CA’s ability to address water quality issues through planning and permitting, leading to increased nutrients and sediment in lakes and rivers. We know from the 1990s this causes excessive weed growth and algae blooms that have economic impacts on property values, agriculture, tourism, recreation, fisheries and sources of drinking water for many residents.
  • Reducing wetland evaluations and protections, leading to increased flooding, erosion and drought, as well as diminished groundwater, which is the source of drinking water in much of rural Ontario. Studies have shown the loss of wetlands in the Rideau watershed would increase flood levels by 10%.
  • Downloading more responsibilities to municipalities who have indicated will lead to inefficiencies, delays and increased risk and costs.
  • Freezing development fees, which will pass development costs to taxpayers instead of growth paying for growth. 

Take Action

To learn more or to provide input on the proposed changes, visit the Environmental Registry of Ontario for these Notices:

Or use our sample letter to email your MPP: 

More Resources:

RIDEAU VALLEY, Nov. 17, 2022 – More than 30 Eastern Ontario mayors have endorsed a Conservation Authority letter to the province expressing concerns with provincial Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act. The letter, written by 10 Eastern Ontario CAs, was sent to Premier Doug Ford and relevant cabinet ministers earlier today.  “We are overwhelmed and incredibly grateful for the support we have received from local municipalities,” said Sommer Casgrain-Robertson, General Manager of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. “It was disheartening that this bill only had a 30-day consultation period given the magnitude of the proposed changes and that this short…
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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario