

Despite the recent rainfall, the Rideau Valley remains in a Severe Drought Status. The 90-day accumulation of rainfall recorded at Environment Canada climate stations in and around the Rideau River watershed has increased to an average of 82 percent of the historical average. The 30-day accumulation is about 99 percent.
Based on the 30 Day Precipitation drought indicator, the Rideau River Watershed is in the “Severe” Drought category. There has been no rain recorded at the Ottawa Airport since July 25. Some rain has been recorded at other locations in and around the watershed but there have not been the several days of rain needed to restore the deficit that has accumulated. There is rain forecast through Friday and Saturday but that is expected as thunderstorms which will not produce the needed general rain over the whole watershed. Warm weather is forecast to continue through next week which will cause…
Landowners thinking of planting 500 trees or more are encouraged to book their free site visit. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority offers private landowners a tree planting program that helps them get technical advice, planting plans and funding for trees. The goal is to make planting trees easy and affordable.
With little rain over the last two weeks, the Moderate Drought conditions continue in the Rideau watershed. The accumulated precipitation over the last 90 days is less than 60% of the long term average for this time of year which is the threshold for Moderate Drought. No significant rain is presently in weather forecasts for the next week but hot temperatures are. This means that evaporation will be a significant component of the water level decline process throughout the watershed.
The precipitation indicator for Moderate Drought of 60% of normal was reached last Sunday. Rainfall since then has had a minimal impact and conditions remain very dry. Flows in the Rideau River at Ottawa are at 25% of normal for the time of year. Two of the major tributary streams, Jock River and Kemptville Creek, are both flowing at about 6% of normal. The Tay River is in relatively better shape benefitting from outflow from Bobs Lake, one of the Rideau Canal reservoir lakes. Smaller streams are intermittent or dry and aquatic habitat is compromised for all species.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and its many partners gathered on June 23 to celebrate the official opening of its newest conservation area. The new Motts Mills Conservation Area is a small but beautiful site that sustains a significant piece of wetland habitat and is home to the recently decommissioned Motts Mills Dam. “Thanks to the RVCA, Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation (RVCF) and many special partners, a crucial piece of wetland and local history is now protected in public ownership,” said Lyle Pederson, RVCA Chair and member of the Motts Mills Restoration Committee. “We are celebrating several achievements today and…
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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario