

  Water levels are finally receding on Christie and Bobs Lakes both of which have had high water since the two bouts of heavy rain three weeks ago.Bobs Lake levels were high from the spring runoff in April. The rain recorded at Bolingbroke, about 90 millimetres over the four days from May 4 through 7, was similar to what fell over much of the eastern parts of Ontario. The increase of Bobs lake levels made it necessary for Parks Canada staff to release water through the Bolingbroke Dam. Christie Lake has been the unfortunate recipient of the excess water from…
Water levels have continued to recede over the weekend and are not expected to be affected significantly by rain forecast for later this week. This has led to a reduction of the coverage of the Flood Warning. The Flood Warning is now limited to the upper Tay River where outflow from Bobs Lake has continued but there has yet to be a significant drop of the water level. Several properties around Christie Lake are still flooded. Sections of the Christie Lake North Shore Road has been under water for several days. Flow of the Tay through Perth is declining slowly…
Water levels have declined through the week and are not expected to be affected significantly by rain forecast for the weekend. With no rain through the week water levels have had time to decline. On the Ottawa, levels below Chaudiere Falls have gone down more than 50 centimetres (cm). The Long Reach on the Rideau has dropped 30 cm. The Flood Warning will remain in effect through the weekend because of 20 or more millimetres of rain forecast for Saturday and Sunday. However, to have an impact, the rain would need to be from a widespread system with heavy rain…
Flood levels on both the Ottawa and Rideau River systems can be expected to decline through the week following peak flows on Monday. No rain is in the forecast for today or tomorrow. During that time, water levels can be expected to decline slowly. However, the Flood Warning will remain in effect because of up to 40 millimetres of rain forecast to start on Thursday or Friday. The impact will depend on how much levels have subsided, how widespread the weather system is and how intensely the rain falls. The areas the RVCA monitors on the Ottawa River, Lac Deschene,…
Flood levels can be expected to decline through the afternoon today as peaks are being reached on the Rideau and tributaries. Peak levels have been or are being reached in the lower Rideau watershed downstream of Smiths Falls as runoff from the heavy weekend rains passes through the system. The general indication is that levels are stabilizing and will decline over the afternoon. The Long Reach of the Rideau has stabilized and can be expected to start to decline this afternoon. It will take a couple of days for the flood waters to fully recede from the roadways. Hilly Lane,…
Measurements on the Ottawa River indicate that water levels are stabilizing. This Flood Warning applies to areas around Lac Deschene, at Petrie Island and at Boise Village to the east of Cumberland. All locations covered by this statement are expected to have river water levels stabilize this morning and possibly reach peaks this afternoon or evening. There is no significant rain presently forecast that would cause levels to rise again. The decline water levels may be prolonged by releases from upstream dams as excess water from the more northerly parts of the watershed pass through the system. It will take…
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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario