

May 25, 2018, OTTAWA — Funding partners and over 60 guests gathered to celebrate the opening of the newly refreshed and rehabilitated Baxter Pond. Located at the Baxter Conservation Area, the Baxter ASL Pond is visited annually by over 5,000 students from kindergarten to university looking to learn about pond ecology. It is home to frogs, fish, turtles, birds and aquatic invertebrates and visited by children who get to observe the diversity of life hiding along its shores and in its cool waters. It is here where students learn about freshwater pond habitat and how animals adapt to life under…
May 22, 2018, OTTAWA — The City Stream Watch Program is looking for volunteer “scientists” to help monitor, protect and cleanup Ottawa streams. Now is the best time to get involved — a Stream Watch Training Session will be held for volunteers on Saturday, June 2. The training session will welcome new volunteers and introduce them to the basics of stream sampling and environmental data collection.  “The City Stream Watch program is driven by volunteer participation and gives the community a chance to contribute to the health of their local streams,” said Chelsey Ellis, City Stream Watch Coordinator. “By helping…
May 17, 2018 — RIDEAU VALLEY WATERSHED — More than 30 new classes will be visiting the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority’s two flagship outdoor education centres thanks to special funding through the Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation, the Ottawa Community Foundation and TD Friends of the Environment. Subsidies are now available to cover busing costs for schools visiting Baxter and Foley Mountain. Separate subsides are also available to priority schools visiting Baxter who need assistance covering program and busing costs. Baxter Conservation Area, located in the City of Ottawa near Kars and Foley Mountain Conservation Area in Westport will welcome some…
May 15, 2018 – By this statement the Flood Warning issued on April 30 for Bobs and Christie Lakes is terminated. The water level on Bobs Lake has receded to the ‘Full Supply’ threshold. No significant rain is presently forecast for the next four days. Therefore, levels on both Bobs and Christie Lakes can be expected to continue to recede toward normal summer levels over the rest of the week. Rain forecast for Saturday and Sunday is not expected to be enough to raise levels again. Caution is still needed around lakes and rivers with water still cold and above…
May 15, 2018 – By this statement the Flood Warning issued on April 30 for Bobs and Christie Lakes is terminated. The water level on Bobs Lake has receded to the ‘Full Supply’ threshold. No significant rain is presently forecast for the next four days. Therefore, levels on both Bobs and Christie Lakes can be expected to continue to recede toward normal summer levels over the rest of the week. Rain forecast for Saturday and Sunday is not expected to be enough to raise levels again. Caution is still needed around lakes and rivers with water still cold and above…
May 10, 2018 – The Mississippi Valley and Rideau Valley Conservation Authorities are advising residents that water levels appear to be stabilizing. Some nuisance flooding (Petrie Island, Boise Wood) has occurred. Rain that fell this morning was not enough to have an impact and there is no rain forecast for the next five days that would cause levels to increase again. Water levels will gradually decline to normal summer levels over the next two weeks barring the development of a significant weather system.. Note that streambanks are slippery along the Ottawa River, water is fast moving and still very cold.…
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Media Release Archives

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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario