

OTTAWA, JAN. 11, 2020 – We know that outdoor spaces matter right now more than ever: your mental and physical health depend on them. That's why we are proud to keep our 11 conservation areas and 42 km of trails open for you during this time. When visiting our sites, your safety and the safety of others is our top priority. Please remember: Stay 2 metres from people outside your household, or wear a mask if that’s not possible; Follow all directional signs on trails (many are now one-way loops to limit passing); No more than 25 people in gathering areas…
(WCS – R07/2020) December 24, 2020 — Environment Canada is forecasting between 30 and 50 mm of rain starting today and continuing overnight throughout the Rideau Valley watershed.  Although no significant flooding is anticipated, water levels and flows are expected to increase in all waterways in the Rideau Valley Watershed. Depending on how much rain falls, residents who are adjacent to the smaller creeks and streams are advised to keep a close watch on water levels and flows and should take the necessary precautions to protect their property, such as: Ensuring sump pump is clear, in good working condition and…
TAY VALLEY TOWNSHIP, Nov. 30, 2020 – Towering white pines, maple groves and rocky outcrops overlook a provincially significant wetland in a new property donated to the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) this fall.  The 1.55-acre parcel connects to Long Lake beside the RVCA’s Mica Mines conservation area, further protecting the lakeshore and provincially significant wetland that stretches to Big Rideau Lake. While the property isn’t huge, donor Martin von Mirbach recognized its ecological value soon after purchasing a 35-acre swath of land along the lake in 2017.  “I spend a lot of time right across from the donated property, and it’s…
Nov. 25, 2020 – Municipalities have joined the call to remove proposed changes to conservation authorities from the provincial budget bill – and now we need you to add your voice to the growing list of groups and organizations speaking up.  More than just a budget, Bill 229 proposes legislative changes that will weaken conservation authorities’ ability to protect people, property and the environment.  Such changes do not belong in a budget bill, which is exempt from consultation on the Environmental Registry of Ontario. That’s why many municipalities are calling for Schedule 6 to be withdrawn from the budget bill and…
An absolutely stunning 1.55-acre parcel on Long Lake has been added to the conservation lands fold! This property abuts Mica Mines and is part of the North Shore Big Rideau Lake provincially significant wetland. It’s home to important species at risk like whip-poor-wills and butternut trees. This thoughtful and generous donation from the von Mirbach family ensures this land will remain undeveloped and in its natural state in perpetuity. To support the maintenance and continued protection of our important conservation lands, donate to the Steve Simmering Conservation Land Endowment Fund. For more information contact DAN at . If you enjoyed…
Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation Turns 50!Established in 1970, the Rideau Valley Conservation Foundation (RVCF) has been working hard to protect and conserve the land and water of the Rideau River watershed. This year the RVCF celebrates a milestone — its 50th anniversary! RVCF is a registered environmental charity and prides itself on its partnerships with individuals, corporations, and groups caring for the local environment. It has been instrumental in raising funds and supporting in-the-field work of the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. Since 1994, $6.6 million has been raised to support a broad spectrum of work — from tree planting to…
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Media Release Archives

Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario