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August 23, 2016

Group Camping

Guides, Scouts and other groups are invited to enjoy our group camping areas. Get back to nature, sleep under the stars listening to the sounds of wildlife and wake up to the sun gently shining though the forest canopy. You don’t have to go far to have an overnight outdoor adventure.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Take sunscreen, mosquito repellent and plenty of drinking water.
August 23, 2016


The watershed boasts a network of beautiful lakes, rivers, creeks and tributaries. Whether you enjoy motor boats, canoes, kayaks or other sports such as sailing and windsurfing, there are many local water based opportunities.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Go equipped with sunscreen, mosquito repellent and drinking water as well as comfortable shoes.
  • Do not venture off the trails.
  • Take your litter home with you.
  • Take nothing but pictures.
August 23, 2016

Bird Watching

A fascinating pastime, bird watching is becoming increasingly popular. Our Conservation Areas are equipped with convenient parking areas, pleasant trails and good viewing areas. Some include viewing towers to help support in the pursuit of viewing our feathered friends.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Bring sunscreen, mosquito repellent, water, binoculars and camera.
  • You may also want to take a bird identification reference book, a notebook and a pen.
  • To see the most diverse array of birds, generally best to arrive earlier in the morning.
  • Take your litter home with you.

1. Water Quality Protection

shorelines01Surface water runoff contains pollutants such as:

  • Fertilizers (nutrients) & pesticides
  • Soil particles (sediments)
  • Road salt
  • Vehicle fluids (gasoline, etc.)
  • Others (pet/livestock waste, septic leachate, etc.)

shorelines02These pollutants result in:

  • Algal blooms & excessive weed growth
  • Loss of recreation opportunities (swimming, boating, etc.)
  • Loss of fish and wildlife habitat
  • Overall contaminated watersources
  • Potential contamination of drinking water sources 

shorelines03Naturalized, vegetated shorelines with lots of native trees and shrubs reduce these effects by acting as a buffer to:

  • Absorb nutrients and contaminants
  • Trap sediments
  • Encourage infiltration

Benefits Natural_Shoreline


2. Improved Wildlife Habitatshorelines04

  • Native vegetation along waterways provides shelter, food and safe travel corridors for wildlife.
  • The berries of many shoreline shrubs provide a critical winter food source for birds and other animals.
  • Fallen trees and over-hanging branches and vegetation are a natural occurrence and provide excellent habitat and refuges for fish.
  • Shade provided by vegetation can significantly reduce water temperatures creating a more favourable environment for many fish species.
  • Healthy fish habitat and communities contribute significantly to the economic and social interests of many Ontario communities. Angling is a $2.4 billion industry (annually) in Ontario. (Ministry of Natural Resources)

3. Erosion Protection

shorelines05Soils along the shorelines of lakes, rivers and streams are gradually weathered, displaced and deposited by various means including wind, water, ice and gravity. Although erosion is a natural process, it can be dramatically accelerated by changes in land use such as the removal of shoreline vegetation.

  • Without the presence of a healthy vegetated buffer, shorelines have reduced resistance against erosion, potentially resulting in a loss of habitat, soil stability and land.
  • Excess sediment in the water caused by erosion can be problematic for aquatic wildlife by reducing clarity, burying fish spawning grounds, clogging gills and limiting plant growth.
  • Natural, vegetated shorelines help prevent erosion because the roots of trees and shrubs trap soil in place, stabilize the bank and help to absorb wave energy.

4. Others

Requires Less Maintenance

  • Naturalized shorelines require less maintenance than alternatives such as turf grass and can be left to grow on its own with minimal pruning or trimming to maintain views.

Flood Abatement

  • Shoreline vegetation helps to slow down surface water runoff and encourages infiltration into the ground. This helps to reduce peak water flow and flooding during storm events and spring melts. It also helps with ground water recharge.
  • Stored water is released slowly during drier periods helping to maintain water levels.

Discourages Nuisance Geese

  • Shoreline trees and shrubs discourage the presence of nuisance geese by obstructing their sight lines to the water.
  • Discouraging geese prevents the accumulation of goose waste which contains e. coli and nutrients harmful to water quality.

Wind Breaks

Shoreline vegetation can help protect your property from wind by acting as a windbreak. Wind breaks have many benefits including:

  • erosion protection
  • reduced heating costs in winter
  • reduced noise and dust
August 22, 2016

Want to Learn More?

Phone : 613-692-3571
Toll-free : 1-800-267-3504
Email :

The City of Ottawa's Rural Clean Water Program looks to improve water quality in our local rivers, streams and creeks by reducing pollution and the volume of water running off the land. Teaming up with rural residents, the City offers financial support and technical assistance for on-the-ground projects that improve and protect water quality.

The program was developed in partnership with local farm and rural organizations, government agencies, municipalities and universities. The Conservation Authorities of Ottawa assist with program delivery.

To learn more about the program and available funding, or to submit an application form, please visit the City of Ottawa’s webpage.


It’s time for a shoreline makeover!

Want to fight erosion, discourage geese and spruce up your boring shoreline – all without breaking the bank? The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority offers a full-service, subsidized Shoreline Naturalization Program for waterfront property owners. We offer technical guidance, project management and financial assistance to help you get the job done!

Shoreline at Work 1What’s in it for you?

Naturalizing a shoreline can have many practical and environmental benefits:

  • Reduces water run-off that causes algae blooms and excessive weed growth;
  • Significantly reduces shoreline erosion and makes your shoreline more resilient;
  • Much cheaper and more eco-friendly than rock-based “rip rap” shorelines;
  • Discourages geese;
  • Invites more wildlife to your backyard paradise;
  • Leaves less lawn to mow and more time to relax and enjoy the view.

Why naturalize?                                                                                                                                                              

Ninety per cent of all lake and river life depends on a healthy shoreline to survive. But this “ribbon of life” also plays a crucial role in filtering out pollutants, reducing erosion and easing flood risks. By adding a natural buffer between your home and the water, you are protecting the health of our drinking water, ecosystems and shores. 

What about my water access?

We know that convenient water access is paramount to an idyllic waterfront experience. Staff will work with you to prepare a customized plan that maintains your water access and your view.      

What’s involved?

1. Site visit: RVCA staff will visit your property to discuss your vision and assess planting potential. Site visits can be scheduled for June through October.

2. Custom planting plan:  Staff will work with you to develop a unique plan for your property, including recommendations for the best native species for your property’s growing conditions. They’ll discuss how you’d like to maintain your water access, seating areas and your view.

3. Choose your plants:  You can choose which native trees and shrubs you’d like based on your custom planting plan and the RVCA’s available species list, and we’ll order them for you. The cost of the plants is subsidized.

4. Delivery and planting assistance:  In spring, we’ll deliver your plants and, if you choose, we can even do the planting for you!

Who is eligible?

  • Waterfront landowners along wetlands, streams, rivers and lakes within the Rideau watershed, who commit to maintaining a healthy shoreline;
  • Lake associations, river groups or other not-for-profit groups within the Rideau watershed interested in completing shoreline demonstration sites, community plant hand-outs, or other shoreline stewardship projects.

Scroll over the pins to learn more about healthy shoreline habits:

Want to learn more? Contact:

613-692-3571 ext. 1192 or 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1192 or 



The Shoreline Naturalization Program works closely with many volunteer groups to restore shoreline areas including Scouts, High Schools and corporate groups. Individuals interested in helping plant can register through the City Stream Watch Program.

Check out some before-and-after photos of recent projects:

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Rideau Valley Rural Clean Water Program Area

The Rideau Valley Rural Clean Water Program (RVRCWP) offers grants and technical assistance program for on-farm and rural projects that protect water quality in the Rideau River watershed outside the City of Ottawa (see map). We work in partnership with individual landowners to help protect the land and water we all rely on. 

The RVRCWP is guided by a Steering Committee made up of local citizens drawn from farm organizations, environmental interest groups as well as all levels of government with a direct link to the water environment. Projects completed create a win-win situation all around. The landowner gets a helping hand with the financing of conservation work, the program sponsors get the pleasure of giving back to their community, and our children and grandchildren get to enjoy a clean healthy Rideau River as our legacy to them all.

If you are interested in applying, contact the RVCA at 613-692-3571 ext. 1136 to register your information and confirm eligibility. 

Ready to apply? Download your application form here or click here for instructionsPlease note you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to e-sign your form.

RVRCWP Eligible Project Categories

Eligible Projects/ Click here to view project details,
download RVRCWP brochure
Maximum Grant %Maximum Grant $
Clean Water Diversion* 50% $5,000
Surface/Wastewater Treatment/Management* 50% $5,000
Livestock Restriction from Water–Livestock Crossing, Alternate Watering, Fencing* 90% $7,500
Pesticide/Chemical/Fertilizer/Fuel Storage and Handling Facility* 50% $1,000
Nutrient Management Plans/Precision Farming* 50% $1,000
Manure Storage/Treatment* 50% $15,000
Controlled Tile Drainage* 80% $1,000
Erosion Control - Field and Tile Outlet* 90% $3,500
Cover Crops* $50/Acre $1,000
Land Retirement* $150/Acre $1,500/Year
Erosion Control - Shoreline 90% $3,500
Buffers 90% $7,500
Windbreaks 75% $6,000
Forest & Wetland Management Plans 75% $750
Private Sewage System Repair 50%  $1,000
Well Upgrade 50% $500
Well Decommissioning 90% $1,000
Well Replacement 50% $2,000
Education Initiative 75% $1,000
Innovative Projects 50%   $5,000

 *Available only to farmers with an Environmental Farm Plan (EFP)

Please note: program grant rates may change without notice or be adjusted by the Review Committee.

More questions? Click here to view our FAQs (frequently asked questions).

Additional Links 

August 17, 2016

Tree Planting Sponsors

  • ottawa
  • ontario
  • HPM
  • forest-ontario
  • onetreeplanted
  • rvcf copy
  • envirocentre
  • velofix
  • td
  • live 88.5
  • golder
  • mendes toyota
  • forest ontario
  • HPM
  • rvcf copy
  • pratt-whitney
  • united way
  • ottawa
  • rideau valley conservation foundation
  • mvca
  • onetreeplanted
  • live885
  • eomf
  • forest ontario
  • ducks unlimited
  • tree canada
  • HPM
  • ottawa
  • Evergreen Window solutions
  • rvcf copy
  • onetreeplanted
  • live885
August 17, 2016

Tree Planting


Got land? Plant trees!

We are looking to transform your marginal, empty or idle fields into thriving, green woodlands. We offer significant subsidies to rural landowners for planning, planting and maintenance of all their reforestation needs. 

Our full-service program includes:

• Customized tree planting plans that suit your needs
• On-site technical advice from qualified forestry staff
• Tree planting and tending services
• Ordering and handling of trees
• Site preparation
• Survival assessments


City of Ottawa
(subsidized by the City of Ottawa’s Green Acres Program)
15 cents / tree planted
Outside of the city
1,000 - 2,999 trees 3,000 - 5,999 trees 6,000 + trees
40 cents / tree planted 30 cents / tree planted $1,500 Flat Rate

 To qualify outside of Ottawa, landowners must:

• Have a minimum 0.5 Ha (1.25 acre) of suitable land
• Order a minimum of 1,000 trees
• Agree to reasonably protect the trees from damage

To qualify inside of Ottawa, landowners must:

• Have a minimum 0.25 Ha (0.62 acres) of suitable land
• Order a minimum of 500 trees
• Agree to reasonably protect the trees from damage

Why Plant Trees?

• Enhanced wildlife habitat
• Visual and noise barriers
• Soil and water conservation
• Valuable winter windbreaks for people, livestock and wildlife
• Reduced heating and cooling costs — less wind, more shade
• Practical "hands-on" way to reduce greenhouse gasses (CO2) and produce oxygen (O2)
• Stabilized slopes, erosion control
• Increased biodiversity
• Wood products: lumber, sawlogs, firewood, nuts, fruit, maple syrup
• Recreational areas
• Increased crop yields (windbreaks/shelterbelts)
• Increased property values
• Economically viable land use for abandoned or unused fields
• Tax incentive programs
• Aesthetic beauty and distinctive character to rural landscapes
• Maintain a healthy watershed

tree planting





Want to Learn More?

Contact Ian Cochrane at
613-692-3571 or
1-800-267-3504 ext. 1175



We have planted more than 6.8 million trees since 1983. We are committed to helping landowners meet their reforestation needs while increasing tree cover to build a resilient, healthy watershed for today and the future.

Check out this video about our program and its many benefits:
brewer park video

Our Tree Planting Programs

City of Ottawa Tree Planting:

RVCA proudly plants trees as part of the Green Acres Reforestation Program.

Check out the Green Acres Program brochure (PDF)

Green Acres is brought to you by the City of Ottawa, in co-operation with:

  • Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
  • South Nation Conservation
  • Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority
  • Ottawa Stewardship Council

Rideau Valley Tree Planting:

RVCA plants trees throughout the Rideau Valley through its Trees for Tomorrow Reforestation Program.

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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario