
Displaying items by tag: invasive species

Aug. 14, 2019  Did you know? Your beautiful backyard garden could be harbouring dangerous enemy invaders: sneaky, ruthless agents of destruction, ready to launch a coup at any opportunity.

We’re talking, of course, about invasive species.

They can be hard to spot – sometimes distracting you with their gorgeous blooms or glittery shells – but a workshop this weekend can help you identify these interlopers and keep them under control.

From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, Rideau Valley staff will lead a free, public workshop at the conservation authority’s headquarters in Manotick. Participants can get up close and personal with several live displays while they learn about the types of invasive species found in Eastern Ontario, how they spread and how to identify them. Famous examples in Ottawa include the emerald ash borer, purple loosestrife and the round goby – to name just a few.

Invasive species aren’t native to the local ecosystem, so they have few natural predators and can out-compete their native counterparts for food and habitat. They spread quickly along walking trails by way of shoes and strollers, in the water by boats and other vehicles, and by gardeners who don’t realize the beautiful Himalayan Balsam they just planted could quickly hop the fence and take over a nearby shoreline.

On top of their environmental damage, invasive species can also cause problems for humans. Invasive wild parsnip and giant hogweed can cause severe burns and rashes, for example, while zebra mussels have clogged equipment all along the Rideau Canal.

To participate, RSVP to . Light refreshments will be served.

What:             Invasive Species Identification Workshop

When:            Sat. Aug. 17, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Where:          RVCA headquarters

                      3889 Rideau Valley Dr.

                      Manotick, ON

                      K4M 1A5

Parking:       There is ample parking at the main office.



RIDEAU VALLEY, July 18, 2023 – In the war on invasive species, knowledge is the most potent weapon – and a free community workshop aims to arm the public with as much invasive species information as possible.

Focusing on identification and how to reduce their spread, the workshop on Saturday, July 29 will feature staff presentations as well as hands-on displays of invasive plants and animals. 

“We’re hoping more members of the public will become familiar with these species and their impacts,” said Amanda Lange, RVCA’s Aquatic Habitat Monitoring Co-ordinator. “The more people know about invasive species, the more we can collectively work to curb their spread. And by reducing the spread, we can give our native species a fighting chance and promote a more balanced and diverse local ecosystem.”

Invasive plants like Himalayan Balsam, garlic mustard, Japanese knotweed and dog-strangling vine can spread rapidly, pushing out native species and leaving gaps in the area’s biodiversity. This can reduce food supplies and resources for other species who rely on the missing native plants. Invasive plants are also often poor substitutes when it comes to erosion and flood mitigation, as their roots generally aren’t as deep or strong.

In the water, invasive aquatic species can have dramatic ecosystem impacts while also measurably changing water quality and characteristics. For example, invasive zebra mussels filter suspended particulates so effectively they can cause distinctly weedier lakes, since sunlight can reach further into the water column.

“We’re excited to welcome the public to learn what they can do in their own backyards to make a difference,” Lange said. “It’s a group effort to keep our local environment as natural and functional as possible for everyone’s benefit.”

The workshop will be held at the RVCA’s headquarters in Manotick from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, July 29. All are welcome, including community associations, environmental groups, property owners, students, gardeners and anyone with an interest in learning about invasive species. 

Light refreshments will be served. Advance registration is required. 



Learn more about RVCA programs and services, news, events and more

Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario