
Media Release

APRIL 21, 2019, The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and South Nation Conservation (SNC) is maintaining our FLOOD WARNING issued on April 19, 2019 for the areas under our jurisdiction along the Ottawa River. The latest model run for the Ottawa River indicates that some areas of the Ottawa River are expected to peak today while others will be closer to the end of the week. There is additional rain expected over the northern portion of the watershed that could impact levels and flows later in the week. All flood-prone areas along the Ottawa…
APRIL 19, 2019 OTTAWA RIVER FROM ARNPRIOR TO L'ORIGINAL — The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA), in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and South Nation Conservation Authorities (SNC) is issuing a FLOOD WARNING for the areas under our jurisdiction along the Ottawa River.   Significant rainfall (20 to 40 mm) has fallen over the Ottawa River basin since Thursday and an additional 20 to 35 mm of rain is expected by Saturday evening.  The current snowpack throughout much of the Ottawa River basin remains at twice its normal depth for this time of the year. Soils are saturated and warm…
APRIL 18, 2019 OTTAWA RIVER FROM ARNPRIOR TO HAWKESBURY — Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley (MVCA) and South Nation Conservation Authorities (SNC) is issuing an update FLOOD WATCH for the areas under our jurisdiction along the Ottawa River.   The Ottawa River Regulating Committee warns that levels and flows on the Ottawa River from Lac Coulonge down to the Montreal region are expected to rise extremely rapidly starting this Friday due to forecast rainfall and snowmelt runoff. Major flood levels are expected to be exceeded over the weekend. Later on, flows and levels similar…
The current forecast is calling for rainfall amounts of 50 to 65 mm, with possibly more, from Thursday to Saturday across the Rideau Valley Watershed which will cause water levels and flows to increase above current conditions throughout the watershed.  Flood conditions are expected start on Friday or Saturday in many areas depending on where the rainfall occurs and total amounts received.  Some specific areas of concern are highlighted below. A FLOOD WARNING is being issued for the following areas: Properties around Bob’s Lake, Christie Lake and Tay River in the upper Rideau Valley Watershed. In these areas, the water…
APRIL 17, 2019: OTTAWA RIVER FROM ARNPRIOR TO HAWKESBURY — Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) in conjunction with the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA), South Nation Conservation Authorities (SNC) and Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF) Kemptville District, cautions residents along the Ottawa River that water levels are expected to increase significantly over the weekend and into next week. Levels are not expected to reach those observed at the height of the flood in 2017 at this time. The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board has stated, “With significant rainfall forecasted later this week, levels will exceed minor flood levels…
MISSISSIPPI AND RIDEAU WATERSHEDS, April 15, 2019 — On March 11, 2019 the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) approved an amendment to the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Plan and the Rideau Valley Assessment Report. The approved amendment took effect on March 25, 2019. This amendment reflects a new municipal well system, comprised of two wells, in the community of Richmond and will be owned and operated by the City of Ottawa. This new well system will serve approximately 5,800 people residing in the Western Development Lands. The new well system also affects two existing Wellhead Protection Areas in the Source Protection Plan and…
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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario