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Displaying items by tag: low water

(WCS-LW - 1/2021) June 8, 2021 — Due to below average rainfall over the last three months, conditions in the Rideau Valley Watershed now meet the threshold for Minor Low Water status under the Ontario Low Water Response Program. 

Watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to conserve water by limiting non-essential uses (e.g., lawn watering, car washing, etc.), for an overall consumption reduction of about 10 percent. Residents are also encouraged to consult with their municipalities regarding any water conservation bylaws that may be in effect.

Stream flow values are lower than normal by as much as 20 to 30 percent and field observations indicate that ecological conditions are becoming stressed. The average 90-day rainfall measured at climate stations in and around the watershed is near 60 per cent of normal for this time of year, which has triggered the Minor Low Water status. In the past 30 days, rainfall has been variable across the watershed, with the average amount being near 35 per cent of normal. Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast indicates we will receive minimal precipitation.

Following an early spring freshet this year, Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels throughout the Rideau Canal system inside the Rideau Valley watershed. Water levels in the reservoir/flow-through lakes are currently well below normal and are expected to decline further with little precipitation in the short-term forecast. Rideau River flows downstream of Big Rideau Lake have been reduced to minimum. Water levels in the Rideau River below Smiths Falls are within navigable ranges.

To better understand local conditions; landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact Brian Stratton by email () if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems. 

Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed. Updates to this message will be issued as conditions warrant. 

More resources:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-environment-conservation-parks

Ontario’s Low Water Response program: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-water-response-program

RVCA website: www.rvca.ca

Hourly and daily streamflows and water levels: https://www.rvca.ca/watershed-monitoring-reporting/reporting/streamflow-water-levels

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More Information:
Contact: Brian Stratton, RVCA Manager Engineering Services
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

613-692-6804, 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1141

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.


(WCS-LW - 2/2021) July 6, 2021 — The Rideau Valley Low Water Response Team is maintaining a MINOR low water status for the Rideau River watershed after officials met to discuss dry conditions on Tuesday, July 6.

Watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to continue to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10 percent. This is especially important for those who have permits for taking water from surface or groundwater sources and all residents on private, communal or municipal wells. There is less of a concern for residents of urban Ottawa because the City of Ottawa central drinking water system draws from the Ottawa River. Residents throughout the watershed should be aware of any bans or bylaws that may be in place in their municipalities regarding watering or fires bans.

Significant rain over the past few weeks has pushed 30-day rainfall totals above what is normal for the time of year at most climate monitoring sites in the region. However, the average 90-day rainfall measured at climate stations in and around the watershed is below 80 per cent of normal for this time of year which represents “Minor” low water severity. Stream flow values for all waterways are well below their normal values for this time of year but slightly improved from a few weeks ago. For example, the measured flows for the Rideau River at Carleton University and the Tay River in Perth are both near 45 percent of normal for this time of year. Measured flows for the smaller tributaries such as the Jock River and Kemptville Creek are still below normal for this time of year. Field observations around the watershed indicate that ecological conditions are declining with increased fragmentation of many streams.  High water temperatures, low oxygen levels and increased plant growth and are being experienced in many areas.

Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast suggests we may receive between 35 and 45 mm of rain across the watershed. These rainfall amounts are not expected to greatly improve the 90-day rainfall deficit or the low stream flow values discussed above.

Following an early spring freshet this year, Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels throughout the Rideau Canal system inside the Rideau Valley watershed. The water levels in the reservoir lakes (Bob’s Lake and Wolfe Lake) are currently slightly below normal and are expected to decline further with some precipitation in the short-term forecast. The water level in Christie Lake (flow-through lake), while expected to remain below normal, will fluctuate with some precipitation in the short-term forecast. Rideau River flows downstream of Big Rideau Lake have been reduced to minimum. Water levels in the Rideau River below Smiths Falls are within navigable ranges.

To better understand local conditions, landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact Brian Stratton by email () if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems.

Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed. Updates to this message will be issued as conditions warrant.

More resources:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-environment-conservation-parks

Ontario’s Low Water Response program: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-water-response-program

RVCA website: www.rvca.ca

Hourly and daily streamflows and water levels: https://www.rvca.ca/watershed-monitoring-reporting/reporting/streamflow-water-levels

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More Information:
Contact: Brian Stratton, RVCA Manager Engineering Services
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

613-692-6804, 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1141

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.


(WCS-LW - 3/2021) August 10, 2021 – Despite recent rain, the Rideau Valley Water Response Team is maintaining a MINOR low water status for the Rideau River watershed after officials met to discuss conditions on Tuesday, August 10.

Watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to continue to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10 percent. This is especially important for those who have permits for taking water from surface or groundwater sources and all residents on private, communal or municipal wells. There is less of a concern for residents of urban Ottawa because the City of Ottawa central drinking water system draws from the Ottawa River.

With variable rainfall amounts across the watershed over the last month, the 30-day and 90-day rainfall totals are above what is normal for the time of year at some of the climate monitoring sites in the watershed. However, because of the variability seen in local rainfall amounts, the Rideau Valley Water Response Team decided to maintain a minor low water severity. Streamflow values for the large waterways (i.e., Rideau River and Tay River) are near their normal values for this time of year but stream flow values are well below normal for the smaller waterways (i.e., Jock River and Kemptville Creek). Field observations around the watershed indicate that ecological conditions have improved over the last month.

Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast suggests we may receive between 10 and 15 mm of rain across the watershed. These rainfall amounts are not expected to greatly improve the low water conditions discussed above.

Following an early spring freshet this year, Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels throughout the Rideau Canal system inside the Rideau Valley watershed. The water levels in the reservoir lakes (Bob’s Lake and Wolfe Lake) are currently near normal and are expected to stabilize with some precipitation in the short-term forecast. The water level in Christie Lake (flow-through lake), while expected to remain below normal, will fluctuate with some precipitation in the short-term forecast. Rideau River flows downstream of Big Rideau Lake have been reduced to minimum. Water levels in the Rideau River below Smiths Falls are within navigable ranges.

To better understand local conditions, landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact Brian Stratton by email () if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems. 

Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed. Updates to this message will be issued as conditions warrant. 

More resources:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/managing-your-water-well-times-water-shortage

Ontario’s Low Water Response program: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-water-response-program

RVCA website: www.rvca.ca

Hourly and daily streamflows and water levels: https://www.rvca.ca/watershed-monitoring-reporting/reporting/streamflow-water-levels


More Information:
Contact: Brian Stratton, RVCA Manager Engineering Services
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

1-800-267-3504 ext. 1141

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.


(WCS-LW - 4/2021) Sept. 8, 2021 —The Rideau Valley Water Response Team is maintaining a MINOR low water status for the Rideau River watershed after officials met to discuss conditions on Wed. Sept. 8. This low water status is a result of a warm and dry August. The August Weather Summary prepared by Environment and Climate Change Canada indicates that the average temperature at the Ottawa Airport was 2.4 °Celcius above normal and the monthly precipitation total was 57 percent of normal.

Watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10 percent. This is especially important for those who have water-taking permits from surface or groundwater sources, as well as residents on private, communal, or municipal wells. There is less of a concern for residents of urban Ottawa because the City of Ottawa central drinking water system draws from the Ottawa River.

Because of minimal rainfall and warmer than average temperatures in August, the Rideau Valley Water Response Team decided to maintain a “Minor” low water severity. Stream flow values for the large waterways (i.e., Rideau River and Tay River) are at about 90 percent of their normal values for this time of year but stream flow values are well below normal for the smaller waterways (i.e., Jock River and Kemptville Creek). Field observations around the watershed indicate that ecological conditions are being impacted with increased fragmentation, extensive vegetation growth, low oxygen levels and algae growth in many streams. Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast suggests some but limited rain across the watershed. 

Following an early spring freshet this year, Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels throughout the Rideau Canal system inside the Rideau Valley watershed. The water level in Bobs Lake (reservoir lake) is currently below normal and slowly declining. The water level in Christie Lake (flow-through lake) is also below normal and declining. Rideau River flows downstream of Big Rideau Lake remain at minimum. Water levels in the Rideau River below Smiths Falls are within navigable ranges.

To better understand local conditions, landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact Brian Stratton by email () if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems. 

Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed. Updates to this message will be issued as conditions warrant. 

More resources:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-environment-conservation-parks

Ontario’s Low Water Response program: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-water-response-program

RVCA website: www.rvca.ca

Hourly and daily streamflows and water levels: https://www.rvca.ca/watershed-monitoring-reporting/reporting/streamflow-water-levels

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More Information:
Contact: Brian Stratton, RVCA Manager Engineering Services
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

613-692-6804, 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1141

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.


(WCS-LW - 1/2023)
July 11, 2023 – Following a period of dry and hot weather, the Rideau Valley Low Water Response Team is declaring a MINOR low water status for the Tay River and Rideau Lakes watersheds (referred to as Upper Rideau Valley watershed), after officials met to discuss current watershed conditions on Monday, July 10, 2023.

Upper Rideau Valley watershed residents and businesses are encouraged to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10 percent. This is especially important for those who have permits for taking water from surface or groundwater sources and all residents on private, communal or municipal wells. The requested voluntary water use reduction does not apply to residents of urban Ottawa because the City of Ottawa central drinking water system draws from the Ottawa River. All residents throughout the Rideau Valley watershed should be aware of any bans or bylaws that may be in place in their municipalities regarding watering or fire bans.

Over the last couple of months, rainfall amounts have been quite variable across the Rideau Valley watershed with some areas receiving above normal precipitation (urban Ottawa) but many other areas receiving limited rainfall. In general, the average 90-day rainfall measured at climate stations in the upper Rideau Valley watershed has been below 80 per cent of normal for this time of year which represents “minor” low water severity. Stream flow values for all regulated waterways (augmented from the reservoir lakes in the Tay River watershed) range from 60 to 70 per cent of normal for this time of year. Natural system stream flow values range from 30 to 50 per cent of normal for this time of year.

Parks Canada staff are closely monitoring the water levels throughout the Rideau Canal system inside the Rideau Valley watershed. The water levels in the reservoir lakes (Bob’s Lake and Wolfe Lake) are currently well below normal and are expected to decline further unless significant precipitation is received soon. Rideau River flows downstream of Big Rideau Lake have been reduced to minimum when possible. Water levels in the Rideau River below Smiths Falls are within navigable ranges.

Looking ahead, the seven-day weather forecast suggests we may receive up to 25 mm of rain across the watershed. If received, these rainfall amounts would slightly improve the 90-day rainfall deficit and the low stream flow values discussed above if the rainfall is distributed across all areas of the watershed.

To better understand local conditions, landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact Brian Stratton by email () if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems. 

Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed. Updates to this message will be issued as conditions warrant. 

More resources:

Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-environment-conservation-parks

Ontario’s Low Water Response program: https://www.ontario.ca/page/low-water-response-program 

RVCA website: www.rvca.ca

Hourly and daily streamflows and water levels: https://www.rvca.ca/watershed-monitoring-reporting/reporting/streamflow-water-levels 

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More Information:
Contact: Brian Stratton, RVCA Manager Engineering Services
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

613-692-6804, 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1141

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is a partnership of municipalities within the Rideau Valley watershed
created under the Conservation Authorities Act to deliver a range of programs in watershed management and
natural resource conservation.


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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario