Perth Wildlife Slider
Perth Wildlife Slider
Perth Wildlife Slider
Perth Wildlife Slider
Perth Wildlife Slider
Perth Wildlife Slider
August 26, 2016

The Rideau Watershed

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Our Watershed

The Rideau River drains an area of over 4,000 square kilometres of Eastern Ontario. The main stem of the river flows in a northerly direction from Upper Rideau Lake near Newboro to the City of Ottawa where it tumbles over Rideau Falls into the Ottawa River. Total length of the longest part of the watershed is about 180 kilometres. From the highest point in the valley (Carnahan Lake in the Tay sub-watershed) to the Ottawa River is a drop of 204 metres in elevation. About 620,000 people live in the watershed including a large part of the City of Ottawa, the fourth largest metropolitan area in Canada. There are 18 municipalities within the valley and most people, outside of Ottawa, draw their drinking water from the river or from groundwater.


August 23, 2016


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Probably one of the best types of exercise, and you won’t even notice the workout because you’ll be having so much fun! Make a splash in a lake or river — it’s a great way to cool off in the summer.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Watch for beach closure notices.
  • Beaches are not supervised. Parents, ensure that children are supervised at all times.
  • Use waterproof sunscreen.
  • Always be aware of currents and undercurrents and know your limitations.
  • Take your litter home with you.
August 23, 2016

Snowshoeing/Cross Country Skiing

Super User

Make the most of it when the snow falls; get out and enjoy it! Blaze your own trail and explore with snowshoeing and Cross-country skiing. Both are exhilarating ways to see the countryside and have an amazing workout at the same time.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Wear several thinner layers rather than one heavy layer – you may start out cold, but you’ll soon heat up with this activity.
  • Take a bottle of water and a snack.
  • Be prepared for a change in the weather.
August 23, 2016


Super User

Plan your outing around a picnic or take a break from all the other fun activities that you can enjoy at these Conservation Areas. Find a picnic table or just choose an attractive spot and throw down a blanket and break open the hamper. Planning a big group event? Consider the beautiful picnic area at Baxter Conservation Area.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Take sunscreen, mosquito repellent and plenty of drinking water, as well as your picnicking goodies!
  • Take your litter home with you.
August 23, 2016


Super User

Walking along Conservation Area trails is a fun, safe and healthy way to experience the outdoors in the Rideau Watershed. There is much to explore, from woodland trails and marsh boardwalks to lakeside beaches and meandering waterways. Walking is an easy and enjoyable way to stay fit and healthy while enjoying the beautiful natural areas that the region has to offer? Why go to a gym to walk on a treadmill when there are 50 kilometres of trails in your own backyard?

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Go equipped with sunscreen, mosquito repellent and drinking water as well as comfortable shoes.
  • Do not venture off the trails.
  • Take your litter home with you.
  • Take nothing but pictures.
August 23, 2016


Super User

You don’t need to go far in the Rideau watershed to find a good fishing spot. Our region is home to many types of fish species and everyone can enjoy the excitement of awaiting a bite! Adults and children alike have fun and relax while experiencing this time-honoured tradition.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Remember a valid Ontario Fishing License is required for those 18 years of age and over and Ontario Fishing regulations apply. See OMNRF site for more information.
  • If fishing from a boat, always wear a lifejacket.
August 23, 2016

Group Camping

Super User

Guides, Scouts and other groups are invited to enjoy our group camping areas. Get back to nature, sleep under the stars listening to the sounds of wildlife and wake up to the sun gently shining though the forest canopy. You don’t have to go far to have an overnight outdoor adventure.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Take sunscreen, mosquito repellent and plenty of drinking water.
August 23, 2016


Super User

The watershed boasts a network of beautiful lakes, rivers, creeks and tributaries. Whether you enjoy motor boats, canoes, kayaks or other sports such as sailing and windsurfing, there are many local water based opportunities.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Go equipped with sunscreen, mosquito repellent and drinking water as well as comfortable shoes.
  • Do not venture off the trails.
  • Take your litter home with you.
  • Take nothing but pictures.
August 23, 2016

Bird Watching

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A fascinating pastime, bird watching is becoming increasingly popular. Our Conservation Areas are equipped with convenient parking areas, pleasant trails and good viewing areas. Some include viewing towers to help support in the pursuit of viewing our feathered friends.

Where to Enjoy this Activity


  • Bring sunscreen, mosquito repellent, water, binoculars and camera.
  • You may also want to take a bird identification reference book, a notebook and a pen.
  • To see the most diverse array of birds, generally best to arrive earlier in the morning.
  • Take your litter home with you.

1. Water Quality Protection

shorelines01Surface water runoff contains pollutants such as:

  • Fertilizers (nutrients) & pesticides
  • Soil particles (sediments)
  • Road salt
  • Vehicle fluids (gasoline, etc.)
  • Others (pet/livestock waste, septic leachate, etc.)

shorelines02These pollutants result in:

  • Algal blooms & excessive weed growth
  • Loss of recreation opportunities (swimming, boating, etc.)
  • Loss of fish and wildlife habitat
  • Overall contaminated watersources
  • Potential contamination of drinking water sources 

shorelines03Naturalized, vegetated shorelines with lots of native trees and shrubs reduce these effects by acting as a buffer to:

  • Absorb nutrients and contaminants
  • Trap sediments
  • Encourage infiltration

Benefits Natural_Shoreline


2. Improved Wildlife Habitatshorelines04

  • Native vegetation along waterways provides shelter, food and safe travel corridors for wildlife.
  • The berries of many shoreline shrubs provide a critical winter food source for birds and other animals.
  • Fallen trees and over-hanging branches and vegetation are a natural occurrence and provide excellent habitat and refuges for fish.
  • Shade provided by vegetation can significantly reduce water temperatures creating a more favourable environment for many fish species.
  • Healthy fish habitat and communities contribute significantly to the economic and social interests of many Ontario communities. Angling is a $2.4 billion industry (annually) in Ontario. (Ministry of Natural Resources)

3. Erosion Protection

shorelines05Soils along the shorelines of lakes, rivers and streams are gradually weathered, displaced and deposited by various means including wind, water, ice and gravity. Although erosion is a natural process, it can be dramatically accelerated by changes in land use such as the removal of shoreline vegetation.

  • Without the presence of a healthy vegetated buffer, shorelines have reduced resistance against erosion, potentially resulting in a loss of habitat, soil stability and land.
  • Excess sediment in the water caused by erosion can be problematic for aquatic wildlife by reducing clarity, burying fish spawning grounds, clogging gills and limiting plant growth.
  • Natural, vegetated shorelines help prevent erosion because the roots of trees and shrubs trap soil in place, stabilize the bank and help to absorb wave energy.

4. Others

Requires Less Maintenance

  • Naturalized shorelines require less maintenance than alternatives such as turf grass and can be left to grow on its own with minimal pruning or trimming to maintain views.

Flood Abatement

  • Shoreline vegetation helps to slow down surface water runoff and encourages infiltration into the ground. This helps to reduce peak water flow and flooding during storm events and spring melts. It also helps with ground water recharge.
  • Stored water is released slowly during drier periods helping to maintain water levels.

Discourages Nuisance Geese

  • Shoreline trees and shrubs discourage the presence of nuisance geese by obstructing their sight lines to the water.
  • Discouraging geese prevents the accumulation of goose waste which contains e. coli and nutrients harmful to water quality.

Wind Breaks

Shoreline vegetation can help protect your property from wind by acting as a windbreak. Wind breaks have many benefits including:

  • erosion protection
  • reduced heating costs in winter
  • reduced noise and dust
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Jebbs Creek Wetland Embayment Creation Project

Work on the Jebbs Creek Wetland Embayment Creation Project at the Perth Wildlife Reserve begins the week of September 24, 2018. To learn more about the project, click here!

Our trails are still open. Please visit!


Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario